Near Famous

Photography by Charles W. Melton
Nature Photography

Mexican Spotted Owl Nest 2012

Miller Canyon, Huachuca Mts., AZ

Now Available: Mexican Spotted Owl DVD

Follow the progress of this family through two nesting seasons. Details Here

June 3, 2012, the Mexican Spotted Owl nest was discovered in a sycamore tree cavity. Only a single nestling was present.


At this stage of nesting the adult female was either sitting in the nest cavity or perched on the top edge of the nest cavity.



The male of the pair watched over the nest from a nearby pine tree.


June 13, 2012, the nestling perched at the top edge of the nest cavity with the adult female.


June 20, 2012, the female occasionally left the nest cavity and perched in the nearby pine tree with the male.


June 22, 2012, the nestling left the nest cavity and the female perched alongside it.


July 3, 2012, day 12 out of the nest the fledgling perched with the female.


July 11, 2012, day 20 out of the nest.


July 26, 2012, day 35 out of the nest the fledgling is starting to get some of its breast feathers.


August 7, 2012, day 47 out of the nest.


August 20, 2012, day 60 out of the nest. The adult female was still usually perched nearby and the fledgling frequently called to her.


September 15, 2012, day 86 out of the nest. Neither parent has been seen near the fledgling the past few days and the fledgling no longer calls but who knows what is happening at night.


All photographs and video on these web pages are the exclusive property of Charles W. Melton and are protected under United States and International copyright laws. The photographs may not be copied, reproduced, manipulated, stored, or distributed without written permission. All rights are reserved.